Saturday, April 28, 2007

Future Past

Why do we look back with regret? Look back on years we wasted or time we should have better spent... Why do we say, 'I would have done things differently' as we reminisce?

Or we look ahead. I will change. Next time, I'll do better. My new year's resolution is...

What about now?!

I look back... there are so many stupid things I wish I would not have done. Stupid mistakes, stupid arguments... Why fight so much with siblings?

But the problem is... it is past...

I look ahead... I say I'll get over this, I'll stop that... But that doesn't help.

What about now?!

Learn from what has happened... stop repeating those same stubborn mistakes!! And "Do not worry about tomorrow"... Focus on TODAY!!!

Today... help someone who needs it
Today... stop fighting
Today... let go of pride
Today... love
Today... give
Today... do something about it

Today... lose selfishness

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."

What are you doing today?


  1. The key word: TODAY. Tomorrow is the word that usually fills the sentence and as the old country song says, "tomorrow never comes".
