Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Failure to Communicate

"Constantly talking is not necessarily communicating."

That is a line Jim Carrey's character says in The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. (Sidenote: I just finished that movie for a second time and really enjoy it)

Thinking about what that line means reminded me of the quote from Cool Hand Luke that I used for the title of this post.

How often do we find ourselves in deep--way deeper than things ever needed to go, purely from a lack of communication?

Misunderstandings... miscommunications... mistakes...

I also thought about the first quote in terms of God. Do my prayers and thoughts to Him just end up being a constant flow from my mouth and mind? Am I spewing a lexical shield around myself that perpetually grows and insulates me from actually hearing a little bit of what God is responding?

I hope I am not. I hope I have been taking time to listen. I hope I would know how to communicate with my Father. And I know I must do my best to just shut up sometimes and be aware of Him and the powerful Word that comes out of His mouth.

I will end this post here for now. Just think about your own life… your thoughts and prayers to God. Are you listening? Are you hearing? Is there communication?

1 comment:

  1. Certainly something to think about. I have been to prayer meetings where folks just prayed w/o even a pause. Just the constant flow of talking to God.

    It's not much conversation if only one person is talking. Seems that pentecostals in particular are a bit shy of periods of silence. It is only when I close my mouth that I can truly give undivided attention to what another is speaking. Why do we expect to hear from God if we never shut up?
